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Best and Worst Roles to Carry With in League of Legends

Introduction In League of Legends, every role plays a crucial part in the game, but not all roles are equally balanced when it comes to carrying. Whi…

13 Pay to Win Skins in League of Legends

Hey, what's going on Summoners? My name is Saurabh Kumar, and today we'll be diving into the world of League of Legends to explore 13 "p…

Comprehensive Guide to K'SANTE: The Pride of Nazuma

Welcome, fellow Summoners, to another ModLegends Guides! I'm Saurabh, and today's topic will be our guide to K'sante, the mighty champion…

10 Most Hated Champions: Annoying to Play Against

Hey, what's going on Summoners? My name is Saurabh Kumar, and today we'll be taking a look at 10 of the most hated champions in League of Leg…

Best Champions to Main for EVERY ROLE - A Pro Guide

Hello Summoners and welcome to another  ModLegends Guides! Today, we'll be discussing the best champions to main on Patch 13.9. In this series, …

3 Best Champions For Every Role in Patch 13.11

Introduction Welcome back, summoners! It's time to gear up for patch 13.11 in League of Legends, and I, Saurabh Kumar, am here to guide you throu…

Ranking the Champs in Each Role by Difficulty

{tocify} $title={Table of Contents}  Hello Summoners and welcome to another ModLegends guide! In today's article, we'll be ranking the champ…
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